
Substance Abuse from Ten Year Olds

Lately the news has been covering teenagers and their drug exploits. Teenagers these days are turning to drugs to pass time. Salvia, acid, marijuana and ecstasy are the picks from the street, kids as young as grade six are experimenting with drugs and sometimes getting hooked on their addictive effects. Everyone's getting angry at the fact that young children are assuming these bad pastimes. I think the real issue should be why? Why are kids as young as ten years old trying to get high. How are kids able to get their hands on these drugs. People are getting angry at the fact that their kids are turning to drugs but ignoring the evidence that answer the question why.

Tiger Woods Ruins People Lives

I was watching a talk show and the contraversial topic was Tiger Woods. After their conversation they opened the phone lines and a man called. He was angry at Tiger and started yelling; he was yelling about Tiger being the reason him and his wife were divorcing. Tiger's exposed infidelity led the mans wife to check his cellphone text messages where she found his mistress' number along with a slew of rauchy messages. She immediately called her lawyer after a confrontation and filed for divorce. I felt sorry for the wife and then sorry for the guy. He told the talk show host that he was going to break off the relationship with the other woman really soon but then his wife found the messages. Then I got really angry at myself and realized I was really stupid for falling for his lies and hoped for both Elin and the other mans wife to take all of their husbands money and leave them. Men these days can be real jerks and we don't seem to realize it until someone famous is affected. I could only immagine those words coming out of Tigers mouth as Elin swings a golf club at him in the car.

Teenagers Driving

I was talking to some friends and decided that I may be taking the TTC for the rest of my life, or at least till 35 or so. Firstly, studying to become a driver is a world class juggling act for teenagers, from school to part time jobs, extra curricular activities and their social lives it is impossible to balance everything while studying to become a driver. Secondly, insurance is RIDICULOUS, I'd never be able to pay it off even with a full time job. Lastly, we dream about our amazing Audi R8's while were stuck with our stupid honda fits and our parents mini vans. Even when we get our liscense we don't get any freedom instead were asked to drive our grandmothers to doctors appointments and siblings to school. So next time you look down on a teenager remember we got it harder than it looks.

Fashionably Stupid

In a recent edition of Vouge, the high fashion magazine feature a set of pictures with accesories by Alexander McQueen, Fendi and Burberry. But the designer names were not the focus of the picture, rather the models; some of India's poorest and most destitude. This juxtaposition was cruel and takes advantage of indian minorities by posing them with high fashioned accesories (the burberry umbrella and fendi bib). This new brand positioning campaign and maketing scheme doesn't look very effective and should stay in high-fashion.



The TTC's been taking a lot of hits lately; from the fare hikes to the sleeping employee's and again with the TTC chairman Adam Giambrone, and his infidelity scandal. Perhaps the city of Toronto's citizens have come to forget how the TTC and it's workers have come to affect our daily lives. Personally, I think the people of Toronto are too quick with their criticism and complaints. Many Torontonians depend regularly on the TTC for transportation and efficiency. The TTC is also a vital part of Toronto, and adds spirit and familiarity to our lives.

Though I understand how people could be angered by the TTC fare hike, especially during these tough economic times, the hype created by the media surrounding the hike was pure sensationalism feeding off of the publics anger. This was the same situation with the TTC worker that was sleeping on the job, people may criticize the man for sleeping on the job but did his behavior change the way TTC serviced the city? Sure, due to the fare hike you would expect better service from the TTC but reasonably, the man in the booth represents but a small few of the TTC workers who slack off during their job (including the driver that likes to take long coffee breaks) but beside those small few the TTC servicemen and women have been quite consistent through their hard work and service to the city.

Adam Giambrone. The name seems to speak for itself in Toronto these days, Adam's scandalous affair with multiple partners has been making headlines for days. Adam Giambrone; the ambitious young chairman for the TTC, running for mayoral candidacy pulled out of the running after his quite scandalous but funny text messages were revealed by one of his partners. Quite frankly I am disappointed, not only did I think that he was qualified for the job of mayor of Toronto but I was quite excited by the prospect of someone under the age of 50 being in office. To think that this guys career was ruined over a few bad choices and suggestive text messages. (The Torontonians criticizing him for his suggestive messaging should take a look at their teenagers phones and read some of their text messages before they start pressuring him out of office altogether *cough cough* Smitherman) Anyways, this whole issue regarding him being a cheater only blew out of proportion, causing him to drop out of running, because he was running for mayor. In all honesty I don't blame him for his infidelity, not to be superficial but the last seven years with his former official girlfriend didn't look too promising, not that his cheating partners looked any better. These three topics all gave the TTC a start up bang in 2010, and have rendered many members of the City Council clueless about how to respond.